Hi, how are you guys feeling today? I'm so sorry I didn't post any update lately... Well, I've been sick on and off... musim sakit dah datang la katakan..
So, earlier this month, 1st to 3rd February 2012 (Wednesday to Friday), my family and I went to Cameron Highlands, again. Yeah, maybe some of you are aware that we went to Cameron Highlands last year too. Well, maybe a 2 days and 1 night trip weren't enough for us. *grins*
So, this year, we've decided to stay longer. We stayed for 3 days and 2 nights at Rumah Peranginan Persekutuan. This place located next to a strawberry farm that we went last year (how awesome was that!).
FYI, my sister booked the rooms on April 2011. Yes, I know, right! We planned for this year's trip, last year! Haha
Ops, before I continue, please, please, please forgive my English and grammar. I know I haven't improved yet, but I'm trying hard. I've learned that we will make mistakes and that's why we need to practice, practice and practice. Hehe..
Okay so I'll continue with BM + English (maybe) for the synopsis :p
So, pada hari kejadian iaitu 1 Februari, kami bertolak ke Cameron Highlands seawal jam 7 pagi. Kami singgah di RNR Dengkil lebih kurang dekat2 jam 8.00 pagi untuk breakfast. Oh ya, 1 Februari adalah hari Rabu. 1 Februari adalah cuti umum untuk Wilayah Persekutuan sempena Hari Wilayah Persekutuan. Jadinya, saya ambil cuti 2 dan 3 Februari aja lah. Hehe :p
After that, we continued our journey to our destination. We arrived at our destination at 12.00 noon lebih kurang. So apa lagi, terus la cari tempat untuk lunch right? Lepas kenyang, baru la bergerak untuk check-in kat Rumah Peranginan.
Settle check-in, kami rehat2 sampai lepas Asar. Dalam kul 5.30 baru keluar semula untuk mulakan sesi jalan2. Saya dah lupa kami pergi mana dulu, so please forgive me for that hehe..
We went to a lot more places than we went last year. Alhamdulillah. Oh, seperti yang korang semua tau, ayah saya tak berapa sihat kan.. So kami pilih tempat2 yang senang untuk ayah bergerak and kurang tangga/ tak perlu memanjat/mendaki since lutut ayah tak berapa kuat kan..
Alhamdulillah la, sepanjang kat sana, mak kata ayah takde batuk2 pun..tidur pun nyaman je.. maybe sebab udara kat sana lebih bersih kot? :)
So, tempat2 lain yg kami pergi, ladang teh Cameron Valley, Opah Strawberry Farm kat Kg. Sedia, Taman Agroteknologi MARDI, Bee Farm and byk lagi tempat kot? byk pulak kalau nk list sebab dah tak ingat sebenarnye hehe.. (tu la, sape suruh peram cerita ni lama2? padan muka saya T_T )
Jadinya, as usual, saya tempek la gambar sikit2 ye..tak larat nk tempek semua, ratus2 oo.. layann~
ya..sila jamu mata anda... cantik kan? This pic was taken at Cameron Valley Tea Plantation Field. Awesome kan ♥ I walked down the hill for about 5-10 minutes just to take this pic..hehe..penat oo 45 darjah kot condongnye jalan menurun tu..
and here's the compilation of some pics of me and him and strawberries and a flower. okay, motif? takde motif hehe.. sila layan je :p
oh btw, budak kecik yang saya pegang tu is Auni Firdina Khairina, anak abang saya. Dia baru 8 bulan time nih. Cute kan? Matanya sangat bulat, rasa nk kunyah2.. er... okay abaikan :p
So, akhir kata, kalau anda semua ngah pikir2 nk pi mana, mana yang belum pi sini, boleh la pi Cameron Highlands.. udaranya nyaman, sejuk, leh la perasan kat obesi sikit. Sikit je, takleh banyak k.. Itu ja kot untuk kali ni..
Okay then, till next time. Wassalam ^_^
Thanx for reading this entry! ^_^
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